C# 新功能
C# 1.0
.NET Framework 版本
- .NET Framework 1.0
Visual Studio 版本
- Visual Studio .NET 2002
CLR 版本
- CLR 1.0
C# 1.2
.NET Framework 版本
- .NET Framework 1.1
Visual Studio 版本
- Visual Studio .NET 2003
CLR 版本
- CLR 1.1
C# 2.0
.NET Framework 版本
- .NET Framework 2.0
Visual Studio 版本
- Visual Studio 2005
CLR 版本
- CLR 2.0
public void WithoutGenerics()
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
// ArrayList is of type object, therefore essentially untyped.
// Results in boxing and unboxing of value types
// Results in ability to mix types which is bad practice.
public void WithGenerics()
// Generics provide for strongly typed collections.
List<int> list = new List<int>();
list.Add(1); // allowed
// list.Add("foo"); // not allowed
// in Employee1.cs
public partial class Employee
public void DoWork()
// in Employee2.cs
public partial class Employee
public void GoToLunch()
public class Holloween
public event EventHandler ScareMe;
public void OldBoo()
ScareMe += new EventHandler(DoIt);
public void Boo()
ScareMe(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public void DoIt(object sender, EventArgs args)
public void NewBoo()
ScareMe += delegate (object sender, EventArgs args) { Console.WriteLine("Boo!"); };
public void AsyncBoo()
new Thread(delegate () { Console.WriteLine("Boo!"); }).Start();
舊版寫法,需實作 Current
public class DaysOfWeekOld : IEnumerable
protected string[] days = new string[] {
"Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday",
"Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday" };
public int Count { get { return days.Length; } }
public string this[int idx] { get { return days[idx]; } }
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
return new DaysOfWeekEnumerator(this);
public class DaysOfWeekEnumerator : IEnumerator
protected DaysOfWeekOld dow;
protected int pos = -1;
public DaysOfWeekEnumerator(DaysOfWeekOld dow)
this.dow = dow;
public object Current
get { return dow[pos]; }
public bool MoveNext()
return (pos < dow.Count);
public void Reset()
pos = -1;
public class DaysOfWeekNew : IEnumerable
protected string[] days = new string[] {
"Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday",
"Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday" };
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
for (int i = 0; i < days.Length; i++)
yield return days[i];
Nullable types
Getter/setter separate accessibility
Method group conversions (delegates)
Co- and Contra-variance for delegates
Static classes
Delegate inference
C# 3.0
.NET Framework 版本
- .NET Framework 2.0
- .NET Framework 3.0
- .NET Framework 3.5
Visual Studio 版本
- Visual Studio 2008
- Visual Studio 2010
CLR 版本
- CLR 2.0
Implicitly typed local variables
Object and collection initializers
Auto-Implemented properties
Anonymous types
Extension methods
Query expressions
Lambda expressions
Expression trees
Partial methods
C# 4.0
.NET Framework 版本
- .NET Framework 4
Visual Studio 版本
- Visual Studio 2010
CLR 版本
- CLR 4
Dynamic binding
Named and optional arguments
Generic co- and contravariance
Embedded interop types ("NoPIA")
C# 5.0
.NET Framework 版本
- .NET Framework 4.5
Visual Studio 版本
- Visual Studio 2012
- Visual Studio 2013
CLR 版本
- CLR 4
Asynchronous methods
Caller info attributes
C# 6.0
.NET Framework 版本
- .NET Framework 4.6 (.NET 2015)
Visual Studio 版本
- Visual Studio 2015
CLR 版本
- CLR 4
Compiler-as-a-service (Roslyn)
Import of static type members into namespace
Exception filters
Await in catch/finally blocks
Auto property initializers
Default values for getter-only properties
Expression-bodied members
Null propagator (null-conditional operator, succinct null checking)
String Interpolation
舊版寫法,使用 string.Format
var name = "Bruce";
var welcome = string.Format("Hi, {0}", name);
var now = string.Format("It's {0:yyyy/MM/dd}", DateTime.Now);
var name = "Bruce";
var welcome = $"Hi, {name}";
var now = $"It's {DateTime.Now:yyyy/MM/dd}";
public void Run(string opertion)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(opertion))
throw new ArgumentException(nameof(opertion) + " is invalid");
// do something
Dictionary initializer